

Certified, modern slaughterhouse according to all EU standards. We are constantly working on improving quality, which allows us to control production processes from slaughter to meat distribution, storage and sale to customers. The distances of moving animals mean that the time of transporting animals to the slaughterhouse does not exceed 8 hours, ensuring their well-being during the entire time of moving.

All carcasses of adult cattle (older than 8 months) are classified in accordance with the principles of determining the trade classes of beef established in the EU member states, and animal breeders are paid according to their trade classes and slaughter weights.

Classification of animal carcasses in the company is carried out by two certified cattle carcass classifiers.

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Meat cutting

We distribute part of the animal carcasses slaughtered in the company in our meat cutting plant. Customer orders are fulfilled by highly qualified butchers, meat distribution specialists. In order to ensure consistently high product quality, the meat cutting plant is constantly provided with a reduced temperature, which does not exceed +7C. There are different types of distribution of carcasses, assortment and type of packaging. Part of the cutted meat is sold in a chilled form, up to +4C, while part is frozen to -18C, thus ensuring its longer sale time.

State supervision

Three state-authorized veterinarians, employees of the Food and Veterinary Service constantly work in the company, which guarantees that the production process is appropriate, the finished product is of high quality and safe for human consumption.


The assortment is very diverse. We sell chilled and frozen animal carcasses, cutted, packaged meat, offals, sheep and cattle stomachs. By-products of animal origin are also sold – skins and various products intended for processing. We also produce pet food in chilled or frozen form.

Wild animal processing

We specialize in the processing of wild and captive game animals. We accept doe, elk and deer carcasses for processing from hunting cooperatives and breeders. We buy meat or provide processing services – we deliver processed, cutted and packaged game meat to the customer, the owner of the game. When hunting is accepted, the hunting terms set by the law and other conditions set by hunting are strictly observed.