We offer to buy high-quality beef products.
All meat products are made from fresh, chilled, locally sourced meat. Made without additives, without flavor enhancers and without weight injections.
The assortment is very diverse.
- Fresh, chilled and frozen meat – carcasses, cut meat, incl. minced meat
- Dry aged meat production
- Pet food in chilled and frozen form
- Offal, stomachs of sheep and cattle
- By-products of animal origin – skins and various products intended for processing
The products can be purchased at the meat concept store in Cēsis “Gaļas bode”, Sigulda market, Riga Central Market, HEREFORD, STOCKMANN and MAXIMA stores, NUKO
in the online store, at wholesalers SIA REATON and SIA SANITEX.
All products can also be ordered at the factory during working days. By calling +371 28643277, you will call your meat seller – the responsive and knowledgeable Līva.
Private individuals can also purchase very small quantities of production. They will be packed and delivered in the concept store in Cēsis in accordance with customer wishes and product specifications. By calling +371 25454466, you will call Kristīne – the friendly seller of Gaļas Bode, who will help you with placing your order.